From Tiny Chairs to Big Dreams: The Journey of my Business Beginnings

Every venture has a humble origin story and mine is no different. It all began with a simple request - a tiny chair that carried a profound meaning. Little did I know that small chair would be the spark that ignited my passion for crafting, laser cutting and creating meaningful artistry.

A Seed of Inspiration

It was a heartfelt request from a customer that marked the start of my business. A tiny chair, meant to symbolise the presence of those who have passed on, a tangible connection to be displayed at Christmas, birthdays, Easter and other special occasions. This idea struck a chord within me and I was determined to bring it to life.

Embracing the Laser Frontier

But there was a catch! Crafting this tiny chair required the precision of a laser cutter. Recognising the potential within this challenge and the world of possibilities I could create in future endeavours, I took the plunge and after much research, I purchase my own laser cutter. A new chapter unfolded as I delved into the intricate world of laser cutting and I was determined to master the craft. 

Navigating Uncharted Territories

The laser cutter arrived after weeks of anticipation. He arrived with a name, Lawrence. I knew then it was fate! Loren and Lawrence on this frontier together! With Lawrence came the need to understand software like Illustrator and the mechanics of this cutting-edge (see what I did there?) technology. Countless hours were spent learning and experimenting, pushing through many many setbacks and celebrating breakthroughs. I was crafting more than just timber and other materials, I was shaping my own journey.

Patient Perfection

Weeks of dedication and countless prototypes later, I held in my hand the embodiment of tears, sweat and many hours of frustration and passion - the tiny chair that had started it all. Throughout this process, the customer was patient and understanding and their belief in me fuelled my determination to perfect every detail of this tiny, tiny chair. 

A Legacy Preserved

Today, the tiny chair is not just a creation but my journey of growth, perservance and inspiration. I keep the prototype on my desk as a reminder of how far I've come and that I need to keep going, there's so much more and I can't wait to do it all!

Tiny chair to big dreams, Now Now Foundry beginnings
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